Happy Holidays

Winter and the holiday season is upon us.

How was your writing year?

I hope it was filled with success.

I have lots planned for 2024, including new workshops and I’ll be relaunching my PR and marketing services so if you feel it’s something you’d be interested in, feel free to reach out to me at susanpalm2010@gmail.com

I’ll be telling you more about the workshops and the new PR service next month.

I hope to post more to this site and also to This Writer’s Life www.thiswriterslife.com.

I’m bringing back the writing prompts there and also the Wednesday Guest Author spot.

If you’re interested in taking part here’s the sign up form.


And before I call it a wrap for 2023, the Author Super Bundle is still available but only until Dec 23rd. While it’s not at the Black Friday price, it has been reduced from $197 to $157. It is full of great stuff for both writing and promoting. Here’s the link and it’s my affiliate one so if you do purchase it, I get compensated…and thank you to everyone who’s already purchased it through this link.

Here’s wishing you the happiest of the holiday season and to your writing success in 2024.

Take care, all the best, Susan.