Writing the Short Story-Deluxe Version


Do you have an idea for a story that’s not quite wide enough in scope for a novel?
Have you ever dreamed of being an author but you’re thinking about writing short stories before
you tackle a novel?
Or maybe you’ve already penned a few short stories but met with rejection after rejection.


Do you have an idea for a story that’s not quite wide enough in scope for a novel?
Have you ever dreamed of being an author but you’re thinking about writing short stories before
you tackle a novel?
Or maybe you’ve already penned a few short stories but met with rejection after rejection.

In this class, you’ll learn

The common mistakes beginning short story writers make
How to research the short story market before you write your first word
How to narrow down your plot to fit the shorter form
Creating characters readers will love
How to use narration and dialogue to add sparkle to your story
How to write realistic sounding dialogue

Here’s a breakdown of each lesson

Lesson 1-What is a Short Story and Common Writing Mistakes
Lesson 2-Researching your Market
Lesson 3-Plotting your Story
Lesson 4-Creating Lifelike Characters
Lesson 5-Point of View
Lesson 6-Dialogue
Lesson 7-Narration
Lesson 8-Setting and Research
Lesson 9-Self-Editing and Getting Ready to Submit
Lesson 10-Markets for Short Stories

I’ve created two formats for this class. One is a basic ten lesson format for $25, the other
includes ten lessons with more content and exercises to help you put your newly acquired skills to use,
plus a workbook for $45.

Both are self-paced, they’re downloadable upon payment so you can start learning straight away, no
waiting for a class start date or specific time of the day you have to be at your desk. Study
whenever and wherever you want, study at your own pace and best thing is these classes and
resources are yours to keep forever. No expiration date so if something happens that you can’t
study the material straight away, even if it’s a year later, you can come back to them and come
back to them time and time again when you want a ‘refresher course’.
And should you feel you’re not quite ready to commit to either course, I also have the Writing the
Short Story and Novella workbook that you can download for $5.95.

If you have any questions before and/or after you sign up, feel free to contact me at