Is Freelance Writing for You?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a freelance writer?T

The excitement of seeing your byline on magazines that sit on shelves at Barnes and Noble or your local supermarket?

Interviewing interesting people, even famous people?

If so, you might want to check out my upcoming class, The Fearless Freelancer which starts on Monday Feb 6th. It runs for 4 weeks and you don’t have to be at your laptop at a specific day or time because the lessons are sent via e-mail.

It costs just $35, and you’ll learn all about the pros and cons, how to study markets, how to write a pitch, how to work with editors and a whole lot more. As an added bonus, I’m also offering students a chance to join my private writing group The Fearless Freelancer for the month of February.

Here’s the link if you want more information or would like to sign up, hope to ‘see’ you in class-